A Better Place


Lyrics by Elaine Brown/A.M. Songs

Copyright – Elaine A.M. Brown


Her parents said …..Wonder where she’s now
Want to find her, but we don’t know how
Things went wrong, She’s in trouble now …..
Need to find her, but …..we don’t know how

She said …..Hate myself …..Life is so bad …..
Think of my family, it makes me so sad
They won’t forgive all I have done …..
I want to leave, wish that I could run ………..

But then she  said …..
I’m sure …..they’d never……… understand …….


So she just cried, couldn’t make the move
Then someone said …..What you have to lose?
You can still come back …..to this despair …..
If you find out you’re not wanted there

So, she borrowed money from her only friend
Rode a bus home …..and then at the end ….
Saw her Mom and Dad and saw their tears
Knew they’d try to help, try to calm her fears …..

Remembered home and began to cry …..
Couldn’t talk about the reasons why …..
But they just hugged her, and held her tight
with younger hearts…….than when she’d left that night ……..


And she felt…. loved again …..

and really safe …..

Now that she made it …..

to a better place ………..